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Optimizing Our Themes and Your Shopify Site for Speed

Optimizing Our Themes and Your Shopify Site for Speed

We at Mile High Themes have gone to great lengths to make our themes as lean and fast-loading as possible. Doing so is actually a requirement of being listed in Shopify's extremely stringent theme store. We know that long loading times can hurt conversions and turn away customers. We take this very seriously.

10 Famous Brands that Use Shopify

10 Famous Brands that Use Shopify

Many of today’s leading website builders have an image problem. Many companies don’t believe that they should be used for serious business purposes because they are too basic and commonplace.  This belief is misguided, however, and more and more large firms are using website builders specifically because they are so convenient. 

Shopify vs. WooCommerce: Which should you use for your online store?

Shopify vs. WooCommerce: Which should you use for your online store?

Building a website, especially an online store, is simpler now than ever before. Thanks to the advancements and fierce competition between different website creation platforms such as Wix, Shopify, BigCommerce and Weebly, you can create an online store within a few hours.

Say Hello to Couponia!

Say Hello to Couponia!

Today, I'm proud to announce the release of my next premium Shopify theme.  It is called Couponia and I think you'll like it!

ShowTime Version 3.3 Released

ShowTime Version 3.3 Released

Today, I've released version 3.3 of the ShowTime theme.  It's mainly a maintenance release that fixes a few AJAX bugs, improves the group filtering, cleans up some styling, etc.  Please be sure to read the full change log to find out more about what's changed.